

theory of learning developed initially in Sweden and then in Hong Kong by Ference Marton and his co-workers (See Marton and Booth 1997, Marton and Morris Eds. 2002, Marton and Runnesson 2003, Marton and Tui 2004, Marton and Pang 2004, Lo, Pong and Packey 2005).This theory is known as „Variation Theory‟. In

Variation För att man ska kunna urskilja något så förutsätts således en erfaren variation av aspekten i fråga. Ference Marton R. Saljo Describes an attempt to identify different levels of processing of information among groups of Swedish university students who were asked to read substantial passages of prose. Particularly, the Marton's theory offers an epistemological foundation and conceptual support for the Chinese theory. Moreover, the authors argue that the teaching with variation characterizes the mathematics teaching in China and by adopting teaching with variation, even with large classes, students still can actively involve themselves in the process of learning and achieve excellent results.

Ference marton variation theory

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It was originally thought up by Ference Marton (2005) and has  Marton and Pang (2006) proposed that in order for a learner to discern a particular aspect of an object, he or she must experience variations in features of the  Ference Marton, professor emeritus i pedagogik vid Göteborgs universitet, I studien visas hur lärare genom att använda variation i undervisningen på ett  12622, 2003. On qualitative differences in learning: I—Outcome and process. F Marton, R Säljö. British journal of educational psychology 46 (1), 4-11, 1976. As with CPA, there is a role for multiple representations (see CPA).

FERENCE MARTON AND ROGER SÄLJ The most obvious explanation of why such variations in understanding arise would be to argue that learning depends on prior knowledge. the learning process? Of course, we could have had a theory or a model of processes involved in learning by reading a text.

Paula Mayoral. Gerry McNamara. Monica Melby-Lervåg.

Ference marton variation theory

Ference Marton. Ference Marton (born Ferenc Istvan Marton 7 March 1939) is a Swedish educational psychologist who is best known for introducing the distinction between deep and surface approaches to learning, and developing phenomenography as a methodology for educational research. More recently, he developed a theory of classroom learning based on

Ference marton variation theory

The theory helps students draw upon their personal experiences and discern learning from different perspectives. The variation theory stems from the concept of phenomenography. Since its emergence in the late 1990s (Marton & Booth, 1997), the theory … In variation theory, it is assumed that there are critical aspects of a given phenomenon that learners must simultaneously be aware of and focus on in order to experience that phenomenon in a particular way. Discernment of a critical aspect of a phenomenon results from experiencing variation in dimensions that correspond to that aspect. That book was Necessary Conditions of Learning by Ference Marton, and at its centre was the phrase ‘variation theory’. It meant nothing to me at the time, but it immediately grabbed my attention.

The variation theory stems from the concept of phenomenography. Since its emergence in the late 1990s (Marton & Booth, 1997), the theory has quickly In variation theory, it is assumed that there are critical aspects of a given phenomenon that learners must simultaneously be aware of and focus on in order to experience that phenomenon in a particular way.
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2021-04-06 Ference Marton, Johan Häggström R. Huang & Y. Li (Eds.), Teaching and Learning Mathematics through Variation – Confucian Heritage Meets Western Theories - 2017-01-01 Learning to subitize the first ten numbers as a necessary condition for the … variation in the future is by experiencing variation in the present and by having experienced variation in the past.” (The abstract of a seminar given by Ference Marton at The University of Hong Kong, 21 Nov 2006) According to Marton’s Theory of Variation, discernment of critical features occurs Variation theory of learning was developed by Ference Marton of the University of Gothenburg. One of its basic tenets is that learning is always directed at something – the object of learning (phenomenon, object, skills, or certain aspects of reality) and that learning must result in a qualitative change in the way of seeing this “something” (Ling & Marton, 2011). Variation Theory, which emphasizes on the discernment of the critical aspects in the object of learning, helps students learn probability in a more efficient way. Originated by Ference Marton, Variation Theory allows students to The variation theory of learning emphasizes variation as a necessary condition for learners to be able to discern new aspects of an object of learning. In a substantial number of studies, the 2021-04-24 2018-01-13 av Ference Marton E-bok, 2014, Engelska, ISBN 9781317811947 Necessary Conditions of Learning presents a research approach (phenomenography) and a theory (the variation theory of learning) introduced and developed by Ference Marton and taken … Ference Marton, Johan Häggström R. Huang & Y. Li (Eds.), Teaching and Learning Mathematics through Variation – Confucian Heritage Meets Western Theories - 2017-01-01 Learning to subitize the first ten numbers as a necessary condition for the … Necessary Conditions of Learning presents a research approach (phenomenography) and a theory (the variation theory of learning) introduced and developed by Ference Marton and taken up by his wide and varied following around the world-together with In order to focus on how to go about teaching through variation, I draw on a learningfocused pedagogical theory, called the Variation Theory of Learning, developed by Ference Marton and his colleagues within the phenomenographic educational research tradition (e.g., Marton & Booth 1997;Marton, Tsui et al., 2004) and its application to religious education (Hella 2008(Hella , 2009Hella & Wright respect, variation theory helps to fill this gap.

Discernment of a critical aspect of a phenomenon results from experiencing variation in dimensions that correspond to that aspect. That book was Necessary Conditions of Learning by Ference Marton, and at its centre was the phrase ‘variation theory’. It meant nothing to me at the time, but it immediately grabbed my attention. It also helped me look for, and then notice, small but important details of the maths lessons I observed in Shanghai.
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Patterns of variation from Marton's Theory of Variation are understood (The abstract of a seminar given by Ference Marton at The University of Hong Kong, 21.

Hattie, J. (2009). Visable learning Professor Ference Marton utvecklade Fenomenografin , Variations. teorin och Learning study.

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In Sweden and Hong Kong, Ference Marton led a group of researchers to develop the variation theory of learning (Pang et al., 2017). Originating from “a 

Since its emergence in the late 1990s (Marton & Booth, 1997), the theory has quickly In variation theory, it is assumed that there are critical aspects of a given phenomenon that learners must simultaneously be aware of and focus on in order to experience that phenomenon in a particular way. Discernment of a critical aspect of a phenomenon results from experiencing variation in dimensions that correspond to that aspect. Ference Marton utvecklade fenomenografin som en vetenskaplig metod, en metod som är specialutvecklad just för att studera människors lärande.