Reference Table for "U" Values "U" Value is the coefficient of transmission, i.e., the transmission of heat through the materials, which compose the building's "envelope," or outer shell. "U" Value has an inverse relationship to "R" Value. For example, a building with material with an "R" Value of R-11 converts to an "U" Value of 0.09 ( 1/R or 1/11 = 0.09).


The U factor is a measurement of an assembly and not just a material. This is why the U factor is very important when identifying the heat and cooling requirements or areas within a structure. The entire assembly is identified and tested, prior to being given a U value.

In a cold climate a good U-factor for a window is between 0.17 and 0.39. (That's between R-6 and R-2.5). Lower is better with U-factor--the opposite of R-value, when higher is better. U-Factor: Overall co-efficient of heat transmission passage through a built-up panel section. Technically, it is heat transmission in BTU per hour per square foot per degree Fahrenheit of temperature difference from air to air for a complete panel sectional. The lower the U-factor, the better the insulation). Always check the interior boundary condition U-factor tags to make sure that they are set correctly.

U factor

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provides an understanding of window . assembly U-Factor, component effects, certification and testing methods, and . specification language. In a nutshell, it’s a measurement of how energy efficient the window is. Energy Star defines U-factor as the measurement of the rate of heat transfer, with this rating telling consumers how well the window insulates.

U-Values and specific Gravity for common materials in various thicknesses and material types and how to convert an R-value to U-Value.

In order to receive a window rebate through the CleanBC Better Homes and Home Renovation Rebate Program, your windows must have a metric U-factor (W/m 2 ·K) of 1.23 – 1.40 for Tier 1 rebates or a metric U-factor (W/m 2 These C -, F - and U -factors are based on assemblies that are not required to contain insulation. Evidence of compliance with the F -factors indicated in the table for heated slabs shall be demonstrated by the application of the unheated slab F -factors and R-values derived from ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix A. Definition of U Factor in Construction. The measurement of heat transmission through a door or window from the interior to the exterior. The lower the U value the more insulating properties in the element being measured.

U factor

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U factor

Most windows today have U-factors between 0.15 and 1.20, which NFRC-certified labs calculate using thermal measurements from the center and edges of the glass, the frame and along any dividers the window may have. 2011-05-30 · R-value measures resistance to heat flow; U-factor is the mathematical inverse (1 divided by R-value gives you U-factor), and measures the rate of that heat flow. In a cold climate a good U-factor for a window is between 0.17 and 0.39. (That's between R-6 and R-2.5).

It’s good to know both the U-Factor and R-Value of your home to get an idea of how insulated your property is.
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U-value / thermal transmittance is the basic building blocks on which the thermal performance of a building and its associated energy usage is established.

Passion, Customer Focus, Dedication, Resilience and Continuous learning are some of the values we believe. "U" Factor.

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2017-09-17 · U-factor is the rate at which a window, door, or skylight conducts non-solar heat flow. It's usually expressed in units of Btu/hr-ft2-oF. For windows, skylights, and glass doors, a U-factor may refer to just the glass or glazing alone. NFRC U-factor ratings, however, represent the entire window performance, including frame and spacer material.

The best glazing option was used as the Resolution: The U-Factor, R-Value and K-Thermal Rating are measurements of thermal transmission through building products. U-Factor: Overall co-efficient of heat transmission passage through a built-up panel section.Technically, it is heat transmission in BTU per hour per square foot per degree Fahrenheit of temperature difference from air to air for a complete panel sectional. U-Factor represents the overall heat transfer coefficient of the window. Simply put, U-Factor measures the amount of heat loss through a window. A lower U-Factor means less heat will escape through a window and the product is better insulated. U-Factor is especially important during the winter months and can make a big difference in heating costs. Pages Businesses Sports & Recreation Sports League The U Factor English (US) · Español · Português (Brasil) · Français (France) · Deutsch Privacy · Terms · Advertising · Ad Choices · Cookies · THE U FACTOR SALON AND BOUTIQUE 6491 Winchester Rd, Suite143 Memphis, Tennessee 38115 +1 901-827-7778 How to factor expressions.