Sweden is undergoing a skills crisis, with more freelance consultant roles than skilled candidates to fill them. And, with Sweden being the second most innovative country in the world, this presents a considerable problem. Sweden is known for its tech. We've already mentioned some of the big names originating from Sweden and the list goes on.


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Flower Child | Freelance Stylist | Music Lover | Marketer & Economist @justwannahavefun.se justwannahavefun.se/blog/2019/10/10/hostens-haraccessoarer Photo shared by Erika Gothenburg, Sweden on April 05, 2021 tagging  How do VAT and taxes work for a sole trader in Sweden? Where can I find an What is the best way to include it as expenses?

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Limitation and Future Research - This study was limited to Sweden, and it be interesting to investigate if the gender of the freelancers' niche 

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