Go on a journey of self-discovery with this Guiding Third Eye Iolite Palm Stone! Iolite, also known as cordierite, helps you find your way through the voyage of life. The Vikings used it to help them “see” their voyages in their Third Eye Chakra before they left the shore. Iolite guides you in understanding what your heart truly wants.


the principal name is Iolite, the most used and correct name, other nomenclature for this stone are: iolite cordierite, water sapphire, dichroite, the viking stone 

Iolite guides you in understanding what your heart truly wants. Viking Stone. Sometimes referred to as the Viking stone, iolite beads are reputed to have been used by legendary Viking explorers, like Leif Eriksson, to determine the location of the sun and safely navigate their ships on cloudy days. This is one reason why iolite has long been considered a stone of vision. The property that made iolite so valuable to the Vikings is its extreme pleochroism. Iolite has different colours in different directions in the crystal.

Iolite viking stone

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9% off. $9.96 $ 9. 96 $10.99 $10.99. Lowest price Iolite-Sunstone motivates one to move forward and actualize their dreams and goals. The stone embodies the vibration of creative energy and is a powerful stone for those involved in the arts – visionary artists, writers, musicians, dancers and actors.

2021-04-21 · Iolite has a long history of use as an adornment and possibly as a navigation tool. – Robert Weldon According to legend, iolite is called the Viking Compass Stone. It’s said that thin slices of iolite served as glare-reducers and polarizing filters that helped ancient Viking navigators locate the sun on cloudy days.

Felted tweed 191 Felted tweed 208 Rowan Felted Tweed - Rowan F T Iolite 208. Felted tweed  Scheepjes Stone Washed Garn Mix 819 New Jade mm - US 6 Safir 4,5 mm - US 7 Iolite 5,0 mm - US 8 Rubin 5,5 mm - US 9 Ockra 6,0 mm - US 10 Lila Velour.

Iolite viking stone

And “lithos” means stone. Originally, the Iolite was named after a famous French mineralogist. He called the Iolite Dichroit, which he attributed to the two-color of the gemstone (dichroism = two-color). There are testimonies according to which the Vikings already knew the Iolite. They acquired the stone …

Iolite viking stone

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Gemens Ballett 925 Sterling Silver Cocktail Ringar 21.20Ct Natural Iolite Blue Mystic Quartz Gemstone Ring  Du sparar: 25.05 SEK. Antal. 0 anmeldelser.
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Viking Stone.

General ahy-uh-lahyt Stone of Painless Spiritual Responsibility Legend tells us that when Leif Eriksson and the other legendary Viking explorers ventured far out into the Atlantic Ocean, moving away from any coastline that could help them determine their position, they had a secret gem weapon: Iolite. He proposed that whatever this Compass Stone was, it had to be available locally, and quite abundantly. With its powerful pleochroism and its abundance in Viking territory, iolite fit the bill. Since Ramskou first proposed the notion, gem experts commonly refer to iolite as the Compass Stone.
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Iolite is one of the more durable stones, though it appears feminine and light, which If this stone, which is also often alluded to as a water sapphire or Viking's  

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Scheepjes Stone Washed Garn Mix 819 New Jade mm - US 6 Safir 4,5 mm - US 7 Iolite 5,0 mm - US 8 Rubin 5,5 mm - US 9 Ockra 6,0 mm - US 10 Lila Velour.

Iolite Uses, History & Mythology. Long ago, Iolite’s pleochroism was used to help people understand the angles of light from the sun. By holding a properly cut piece of iolate and examining the colors of the reflected sunlight, Viking sailors were able to determine their location and navigate accordingly.