Neurological insights into how the brain processes stress suggests that stress can be a key element in the development of anxiety and depression.


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Stressed and depressed

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In fact, just about half of those diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder. Depression has many possible causes, such as genetics, brain chemicals and your life situation. Chronic stressful life situations can increase the risk of developing depression if you aren't coping with the stress well. There's also increasing evidence of links among poor coping, stress and physical illness. When stressed, your body needs additional sleep and rest. Exercise daily to help you feel good and maintain your health. Check out the fitness tips below.

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If you Some people with cancer may experience depression before, during, or after cancer treatment. Depression is a type of mood disorder. It may make it harder to cope with cancer treatment. It may also make it harder for you to make choices abou The effects of chronic stress.

Stressed and depressed

Spänningshuvudvärk är periodisk eller kronisk huvudvärk som oftast uppkommer i samband med stress eller annan psykisk påfrestning.

Stressed and depressed

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Hypophysis. Adrenal cortex. PVN. Cortisol. CRH. ACTH.

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Getting to the point of depression also has many other contributing factors like genetics, medical conditions, stress and hormone levels, and life circumstances. If you Some people with cancer may experience depression before, during, or after cancer treatment. Depression is a type of mood disorder.

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PDF | Mental disorders, especially depression, have been increasingly described as a growing burden to global public health. Critics argue, however, | Find 

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