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Kvaser provides an introduction to local interconnect network (LIN), the cost-effective alternative to CAN bus designed for non-critical areas.

Kvaser Hybrid 2xCAN/LIN is a flexible, dual channel interface that allows each channel to be assigned independently as CAN or LIN. This makes the Kvaser Hybrid 2xCAN/LIN a must-have ’universal interface’ for every engineer involved in automotive communications! With a standard USB connector and two CAN/LIN channels in two separate 9-pin D-SUB connectors, this interface… Kvaser Hybrid Pro 2xCAN/LIN is a flexible, dual channel interface that allows each channel to be assigned independently as CAN, CAN FD or LIN. This makes the Kvaser Hybrid Pro 2xCAN/LIN a must-have ’universal interface’ for every engineer involved in automotive communications! The Kvaser Hybrid Pro 2xCAN/LIN offers advanced features such as support for CAN… CAN, LIN and CAN FD are accessible on one device 12/07/2018 | News. We’re excited to announce the launch of the Kvaser Hybrid Pro 2xCAN/LIN.

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Compatible with both LIN 1.3 Kvaser Leaf Professional is a one channel, high performance, USB interface for Low Speed or 'fault tolerant' CAN. A versatile and powerful interface that offers easy connection between your PC and CANbus network, it includes Kvaser's patented MagiSync feature for synchronized time-stamping, Galvanic Isolation for protection against voltage spikes, and Auto Transmit for placing messages on … Kvaser Hybrid 2xCAN/LIN is a flexible, dual channel interface that allows each channel to be assigned independently as CAN or LIN. This makes the Kvaser Hybrid 2xCAN/LIN a must-have ’universal interface’ for every engineer involved in automotive communications! With a standard USB connector and two CAN/LIN channels in BUSMASTER is an Open Source Software tool to simulate, analyze and test data bus systems such as CAN. BUSMASTER was conceptualized, designed and implemented by Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions (RBEI). Presently it is a joint project of RBEI and ETAS GmbH. - rbei-etas/busmaster Kvaser Hybrid Pro 2xCAN/LIN is a flexible, dual channel interface that allows each channel to be assigned independently as CAN, CAN FD or LIN. This makes the Kvaser Hybrid Pro 2xCAN/LIN a must-have ’universal interface’ for every engineer involved in automotive communications. The Kvaser Hybrid Pro 2xCAN/LIN offers advanced features such as Offering Kvaser's most popular and advanced CAN and LIN bus solutions and products, including the Leaf Light, USBcan and Memorator lines. Fast, free shipping. Kvaser Leaf Professional The Kvaser Leaf Professional is a one channel USB interface for CAN (HighSpeed, LowSpeed or SingleWire) and LIN. Instant synchronization without any fuss.

USB to M12 compatible. 5-pin connector for marine applications. Leaf LIN. Local Interconnect. Network (LIN) 1.3 and. 2.x compatible.


Kvaser lin

The Kvaser Leaf Professional LIN is a single-channel, high performance, USB interface for LIN (LIN 1.3 and 2.x) bus systems. A versatile and powerful interface that offers easy connection between your PC and LIN network, it includes Kvaser's patented MagiSync feature for synchronized time-stamping and Galvanic Isolation for protection against voltage spikes.

Kvaser lin

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No extra wires required! Kvaser Leaf Professional is a product for innovative solutions with top performance. With the patented Kvaser MagiSync™, all Kvaser Leaf Kvaser Leaf Professional LIN, USB to LIN Bus Interface $429.95 SKU SW-29885 Quantity Quantity. Add to cart Share this: Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Share on LinkedIn Pin on Pinterest.
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13 Jan 2021 The kit comes with the Kvaser Hybrid Pro two-channel interface CAN ( including CANopen, SAE J1939, NMEA 2000), CAN FD, and LIN.

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IMPORTANT NOTE: Prices presented here prior to logging in are suggested list prices. Once you have logged into the system you will be presented with your special pricing (Typically 5% to 25% less than list price).. See our privacy page re your information on our system. If you wish to order on-line press the 'Add to Kvaser Hybrid 2xCAN/LIN, dual channel interface, two 9-pin D-SUB connectors Put Kvaser’s 30 years of CAN hardware knowledge to work for you. Whether you’re looking for OEM or ODM, Kvaser delivers expert, trusted solutions for the CAN industry. Find out more >> Kvaser Media Relations Vanessa Knivett +33 (0) 618 609 287 [email protected] Location: France (Timezone: UTC +01:00) Kvaser Leaf Professional LIN. $417.00 .